2024-2025 Board of Directors
The Board of Directors is responsible for overseeing the business and affairs of the Association to ensure that it meets its mandate. Elected by members school board trustees, they are ambassadors for the Association, trusteeship and public education. Directors participate on ASBA committees, represent all zone or metro board issues and provide input to the Board.
Board of Directors
Marilyn DennisPresident |
Shali BaziukVice-president |
Tammy HenkelZone 1 Director |
Devonna KlaassenZone 2/3 Director |
Joe BecigneulZone 2/3 Director |
Trudy BratlandZone 4 Director |
Rob PirieZone 5 Director |
Allison PurcellZone 6 Director |
Myra D'SouzaCalgary Catholic School Division Director |
Patricia BolgerCalgary Board of Education Director |
Dawn HancockEdmonton Public Schools Director |
Alene MutalaEdmonton Catholic Schools Director |
Réginald RoyDirector representing Francophone Regional Authorities |
Executive Team
Dr. Vivian Abboud has served as Chief Executive Officer since 2018, implementing the Strategic Plan while positioning ASBA as a strategic and influential organization.
Dr. Vivian AbboudChief Executive Officer |
Jan OlsonChief Advisor |
Corinne SperlingChief Officer, Professional Learning and Events |
Jennifer ElsingaExecutive Administrator |