Alberta School Boards Association's (ASBA) locally-elected public, catholic and francophone member school boards came together for the business day of the Fall General Meeting.
During the event, members passed position statements that will guide provincial advocacy.
Increase Funding for Cybersecurity
BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the Alberta School Boards Association advocates for the Government of Alberta to increase funding specifically to offset the growing cost of cybersecurity and threat mitigation for school divisions.
Increase Grant Funding Rates
BE IT RESOLVED THAT, The Government of Alberta annually increases Grant Funding Rates proportional to inflation, to maintain the impact and value the Grant Funding is intended to have on supporting students for success.
Rural Student Inequities
BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the Government of Alberta addresses the challenges experienced by high school students, particularly those from rural and/or remote areas, when considering post-secondary studies, to ensure equitable access to higher learning.
Tobacco, Smoking and Vaping Reduction Regulation and Act
BE IT RESOLVED THAT, The Government of Alberta prioritizes the prevention of youth smoking and vaping as a public health issue by:
• Updating the Tobacco, Smoking and Vaping Reduction Regulation to prohibit the sale of flavoured vaping products; and
• Working with non-profit organizations and school boards to increase education opportunities on the detrimental physical and mental health aspects of vaping, nicotine and second-hand vapour aerosol.
WHEREAS board autonomy is one of the core principles of ASBA and whereas all members of a school community have the right to learn and work in an environment free of discrimination, prejudice, and harassment, a right guaranteed by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the Alberta Human Rights Act, and the Education Act, and whereas “opt out” sexual health education is a long standing practice that has helped educate students in Alberta,
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT sexual health education remain an “opt out” option for parents in Alberta and that school board autonomy be respected with regards to their own sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression policies.
Alberta School Boards Association (ASBA) serves Alberta’s 61 locally elected public, catholic and francophone school boards. Media Contact |
- Fall General Meeting
- Position Statements
- 2024