Perseverance in the pursuit of goals and dreams, in school and beyond: Maintaining strength, self-care and a healthy attitude as they pursue their personal path to education and fulfillment.
Embracing their cultural identity and promoting the strength, beauty and value of their culture and community.
Modelling leadership through a cultural lens that inspires their peers to pursue their own dreams and goals.
Respecting and honouring the autonomy, empowerment and agency of others to self-determine.
Improvement in work ethic, attitude, attendance and interaction with others.
Honesty and honour are demonstrated in the student’s daily encounters with fellow school community members and kindness towards others.

Honouring Spirit: Indigenous Student Award Nomination


Nominators may include teachers, principals, superintendents, trustees, school staff or liaisons, Elders and Knowledge Keepers or any other member of the education community.


Nominees may include First Nations, Métis or Inuit students who attend a school in Alberta, operated by an ASBA member school board.


Please provide information for the student's parent/guardian.


Letter of Nomination (max three pages)

  • At least one letter of nomination from the nominator must accompany the submission. View the “Nominator Tips” for criteria and relevant examples to include.


Letter of Support (max three pages)

  • At least one letter of support from a teacher, principal, superintendent, trustee, school staff or liaison, Elder or Knowledge Keeper or any other member of the education community group must accompany the submission.